Saturday, May 26, 2007

So after the drama of the past few weeks.... here it goes...

After going to the hospital and having the false alarm last week....I went in a few days later because I wasnt feeling the baby move that much. Everything seemed to be fine with baby except that they looked at the culture of my so called bladder infection..and I didnt have one. What this meant is that I was having pre-term labor and that I was at very high risk of having our little girl early. Well the story goes on...

A few days after that I felt like my water was leaking so I went in (Monday May 7th) to the hospital and they said I was 2cm dialated so that its best for me to try and walk around the hospital grounds and come back up to the maternity ward in a few hours. I had Jonathan meet me up there and we went back up to the maternity ward for them to check me. Not thinking anything of it...we were chatting and all of a sudden I heard and felt a "pop". Seconds later my water broke. That was around 2:30pm Monday. After a few hours of intense contractions I finally opted for the epidural. We got into our own delivery room around 10:30pm and got started finally on the epidural. I went from 2-10cm in an hour or so and our little girl was born at 12:01am Tuesday Morning! She was 4 weeks early so there was concern for her health. When she came out she had her umbilical cord wrapped around her thigh and foot and she was blue! The few minuets it took before the nurses got her breathing were the scariest of my life! I could care less how many stitches I needed or what kind of pain I was in! She finally started crying and everything went pretty normal from there! So she was born 6lbs 10z, 18.5 inches long. Not too bad for being so early! Mikayla Elizabeth is her name- this being the only secret until she was born! Her middle name after mine and it goes back quite a few generations on my mom's side of the family. Anyways that's Mikayla's birth story- I'll write a bit more later about whats happening now. WE are home from the hospital and doing well-