Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Thank goodness for warm days like today!

Today we had a nice warm sunny day and Mikayla went to the park for the first time (well the first time actually able to do anything). She had her first real baby swing ride and was smiling the whole time-hopefully that means that she liked it!

She has had a hard time lately having me feed her cereal so I thought maybe she needed a few more weeks before she started real food. I actually think its because she wants to be able to feed herself instead of being fed! So she had a teething cookie today and she loved it! She is getting more wiggly now and when she doesn't want to do something like sit in her swing or if she wants to sit up instead of lay down she starts crying and kicking her legs like she is having a mini temper tantrum. The good part is that Daddy and Mommy can laugh at this right now! Hopefully we'll be able to do the same in the future when she has the full out tantrums! Mikayla and Mommy went to pick up Daddy at work today and Mikayla was a little fussy so Mommy turned on the radio...and she stopped crying and started talking-like she was singing along with the music. A little singer is on the rise....watch out American Idol!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

I have to brag about the beautiful Flowers Jonathan gave me the other day. I love suprise flowers!!!!

Mikayla's first Dilly Bar....yummy-

The months seem to be going by so quickly so here is another update of our cute little Mikayla.

Mikayla loves Mommy but is definately a Daddy's Girl! When he comes home in the evenings she loves to talk to him and she just babbles on and on...its the cuttiest thing ever. Today Daddy and Mikayla were having a chat Mikayla just started laughing like crazy....so here it is

just in case you are reading this from an email...you have to go to our blog -www.jjbaker624.blogspot.com in order to view this ...this is towards the end of her laughs...so she is almost starting to cry and laugh at the same time because Daddy, Mikayla and Mommy were laughing so hard for almost 15 minutes.

We went to the Mall today for some Saturday shopping. Daddy and Mikayla were waiting for Mommy outsite the dressingroom and Mikayla was discovering herself in the mirror....more than ever before and she touched the mirror like it was another little girl- Daddy had a good laugh out of that.

Also here is a sneak peek and Mikayla's Ladybug Halloween Costume...

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Happy 5 Months old (Well Almost..)

Mikayla had her first rice cereal a few days ago....and I got it on film.
She loves it! More is on her face than in her tummy but I'm know it only gets messier from here!

She also had her first roll over on her own yesterday (Wednesday October 4th!) I was at a friends house and she all of a sudden pushed over and I clapped and started saying "yay" and she looked at me like "what did I do?" she is such a good baby and we are so happy to have this little girl in our lives!