Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Circus Circus Circus!!!!!

Jonathan and I took our little Mikayla to her first Circus last week. She loved the entire show.

I would have to say her favorite part was the Tigers or as she calls them "Abbies". Everything that is an animal is called a "Doggie" or an "Abbie"- instead of Addie. Mikayla wouldn't even look at us when she was given some Dinner she would reach for it blindly and keep staring at all the fun things going on. That was probably one of our most fun days with her lately. She is such a cute little thing. Anyways we are totally going back next year and getting closer seats.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Seattle Trip

Mikayla loved having a real life "tiny" dog to play with up at my parents. The funny part is she loved going in Lilly's cage- We had fun as usual at my parents in Seattle. Here is my stinker.
and of course Lilly was only 8 weeks old in this picture. I am sure she is huge now! Luckily she is NOT ours so we can still remember her being a sweet little snugly puppy with out all the responsibilities! We also went to a very fun BYU Vs. Huskies Game. Mikayla was so cute in her little Cheerleader outfit.

Friday, September 12, 2008

16 Months old....
where has the time gone????
I am up at my parents in Seatle for a few more days and I can't belive what a big girl Mikayla has become. Being a Mom makes me question my sanity and makes me happier than I've ever been in my entire life! Mikayla is learning new things everyday. I am not able to post any pictures right now due to my lack of computer skills but I'll try and post some when I get back home.
My parents got their new puppy and its a good/bad thing depending on how Mikayla likes the puppy. Mikayla is such a loveable child but she is not up for being a puppy chew toy or playmate. Which is hard to tell a 9 week old little thing.

Anyways just chatting for a min so everyone knows we are still alive. I am missing Jonathan more than ever so We are going to be happy to be back home on Monday.

Fun Times- I was able to get the seasonal Peppermint Icecream and I'm having as much a I can handle every day!!! YUMMMM

Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Birthday to Jonathan!

We had a pretty low key birthday for him this year...but I hope he still knows that Mikayla and I love him very much and We are so happy to have him as our Daddy & Husband!

When we were "just really good friends" Dec 2002

Engaged- taking me out for a very romantic Birthday May 2003

Then Along came the Pets- and of course a big move to Calgary- He even forced Addie to watch the BYU Games!

Dolci- you big OOOMF! She loved chilling with Jonathan while he was working!

And of course another 2 years later----- Daddy's Girl!

Happy Birthday Babe! We Love you!