Monday, April 27, 2009

My Cutest Stockings EVER!
We came across these cute things at a craft show. Thanks to a Grandma who loves fashion she bought an early birthday present for Mikayla.
How cute are these!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Albuquerque here we come.....and here we leave!
We went down to my Grandma Thompson's 80th Birthday Party this past weekend.
Mikayla and I were able to catch the same flight with my Dad and go down together. This was the most happy I have ever seen my Grandma! I was glad she had a good day with everyone. We had the party at my Grandma's favorite place- the Natural History Museum.

Grandpa with Mikayla looking at Dinosaurs! Roooooaaaar!

Grandma Thompson- seeing her great-granddaughter for the first time! Mikayla was already pigging out on the yummy berries!

This is my Grandma's Brother (Uncle Gordie) Also seeing Mikayla for the first time

Mikayla also had her first real Easter Egg Hunt with some extended family of my Dad's. She was so happy grabbing all of those eggs. She was pretty upset that it was all over so fast and kept talking about it. My dad and I decided to hide some of her eggs back at the hotel so she could play some more!
And last but not least!!! My Sweet Aunts gave Mikayla this very nice Easter basket full of goodies! Mikayla immediately dug into a chocolate egg and she still has to carry around her basket and bunnies!
Over all- the best visit I've ever had with my Dad's side of the family! I hope we can see them again soon!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Going Private.....
I have on more than one occasion lately found the most random people on my blog....
so I am giving this a few more weeks before I will be private.
If you want to catch up on my family blog or my mommy thought ramblings just let me know by leaving a comment (or emailing me)

Ta-ta to the crazy unknown visitors of my blog-

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Yes we are still alive...
just too busy to want to blog lately
here's a very quick update....
Mikayla is in her big girl bed- not sleeping in it the entire night = mommy gets little sleep
Utah Crazy weather.....warm enough to garden...then snow, snow, and more snow
Mikayla gave us a scare having to be tested for a very serious childhood disease...but everything is well and she was not diagnosed with anything!
Jonathan- busy as ever closing deals w/ work and making new ones!
and me.... cleaning, trying to get sleep whenever I can! and of course gardening when its warm!

I'll put some new Pict's up soon-