Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Year and New Goals

Yes, we all seem to have these things called "resolutions" but do we really ever stick to them? Hummm probably not, I know I tried really hard to ...but yet I failed again and I am not any better than I was a year ago, or so it seems.

This past week I was chatting with a good friend of mine and she mentioned this story about a friend of hers who has lost a two month old baby boy. I got off the phone very sad, but thought I needed to really have a reality check of what happened to this family. I just wanted to go and hug them and take away their pain. Help with her kids, comfort the mom.
What gives me the right to bare and rear a child that is healthy and perfect as any child could be? Why am I blessed to be okay with the money we have, or the lovely home we have been able to afford? Why should I be grateful. Well I would right a few novels on the the subject after reading that blog and knowing that no matter what, no matter what we are given in life- we can do this! We are able to handle everything if we but trust in the Lord. Pray for those you hear of and know that no one wants you to Not succeed in whatever desires you have. And that I do care about you and your families. I am thankful for the many blessings I have and many more to come blessing in my life. Thankful everyday that Heavenly Father has blessed me to be who I am. Onto bigger and a better 2010 for you and your families. Set goals...that you can accomplish! and good luck!

Back to Blogging

So I guess I have procrastinated the inevitable...until this past week. Yes I take breaks, and yes my blog is NOT my number one priority in life so there you go-

No excuses...just life!

December seemed to come and go so quickly that I took tons of pictures and videos - and here are some quick thoughts-

*Mikayla, loving every second of having our Christmas Tree up & asking to make Ginger bread houses every day- till we gave in and had fun making them!* A completely lost week after what was supposed to be a two day ear surgery/adenoid removal for our little girl! -and Yes she is better now...and hearing tons better (which means she is also speaking better)
*Mikayla asking every day- "Mom when is Santa gonna come and bring presents?"
*Snow, Snow and more snow- that still hasn't melted off our driveway from a few weeks ago, thanks to the North facing view!
*Tons of fun with Family (including a yummy dinner my Sis-in-law and I made for our Husbands! Delicious & not to be attempted again anytime soon!
*An Overwhelming supply of presents for our beautiful little girl!
* And of course an amazing nice quiet Christmas at home with my little family, enjoying every second of each other company and a Yummy Turkey Dinner for the three of us- leftovers included! Yum!
*And yes we can't forget about the nice surprising New Years Eve Dinner, complete with some Pearl Earrings to match my Bracelet and Necklace!

I am so blessed and thankful for my husband and healthy Little girl!