Yes I actually am doing an update!
So onto a new month and of course Mikayla is now walking!....of course if she wants to get around fast she prefers to crawl but she has been trying to walk everywhere she can.
We got some new shoes for her today....Pumas of course! her first real shoes! Auntie Bree will be very proud of her!
Also she has become so much fun are a few pictures from the past few days.
Jonathan is still having tests done for this crazy illness he has so we have been trying to keep occupied in other ways (besides me having time on the computer). I finally realized today that I miss doing this because its my way to vent...and chat to my very very missed friends back in Calgary!!!!!
As you can see- Mikayla has become a handful very quickly...I can just imagine how crazy she would be if she was a boy!!!! Thank goodness for little girls!.... This last picture shoes her lovely teeth....cheeeeeese!
Mikayla is getting more and more adorable everytime you put pictures up! How is life in Utah going? Good to be back? So little girls are easier than boys, huh? That's good to hear because my husband and I just found out we are having a GIRL! Yippee! I'm due October 30th - so I'll be contacting you for lots of advice Julie!! Be ready! haha Talk to you soon hopefully!