Tuesday, July 19, 2011

June Fun and Family

Well the first few weeks of Marissa being here was soooo much harder that I expected! I had a wonderfully pleasant experience at the hospital and I was actually sad to leave! My experience compared to 4 years ago was 5 star! The hospital food was great, the nurses were great and my Dr was awesome. When I got home we all had meltdowns and ended up needing "Grandma back-up" that night. We are so thankful again for all the family and friend help -especially since my mom wasn't able to come out right when the baby was born. I have learned how much more I need to ask for help than ever before!

The best part of all this- I have had to learn to let a lot of things go and not get so stressed like I was as a new mom before! I must have seemed so crazy to my Canadian friends with all my silly little quirks of parenting- I would never have let my baby lay on the ground near my dogs, or even be held by someone with out them washing their hands and sanitizing! I am not saying I have become more dirty....just less paranoid and less stressed! So in turn life is a little easier and parenting is less of a "no no no" and more of a "just be careful" approach! I think part of that solved itself when Mikayla picked up a lollipop from a parking lot....and hid it from me, then when she was asked what it was, her response was "Mom don't get mad- I just wanted a candy." So all the germ sheltering doesn't really help when your kid will pick up a strangers used lollipop!

Marissa did end up with a little jaundice and was able to get over it with in a few days! Part of it is that my milk supply seems to be more than plentiful for this one so much that she gags! So she gained about 2 pounds in 2 days! But she still was in preemie clothes for about 3 weeks and they were so cute!

Mikayla has been an amazing help and a sweet big sister. She was so cute when she first got to see sister. She was the happiest little girl I have ever seen! I had never noticed all the sweet little baby talk I say until I hear Mikayla repeat things like "its okay you little bean" or "you sweet pea its okay I'll get you a binkie, no cries". I love it! I almost can't explain in words how much I can see her love for her little sister! It is heavenly! And yes Mikayla has had quite a few meltdowns but she never went through a real "terrible twos" so I think she is going through the "terrible fours!" Even then she will stop crying and quiet her sister down or smile for her and help out the second she is asked.

My parents came out the middle of June for the Baby Blessing and to help out a bit. I thought I might feel like an intrusion but it ended up being the best break ever! I was so sad when they left because they helped out so much!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy you updated! I think everyone should have their second baby first, because you are WAY more relaxed. I remember with Madeline being very stressed and kind of an "I don't know what I'm doing" but now with my second, I do know how to take care of a baby! I'm glad things are going better for you! Never be afraid to ask for help! Your little girls are beautiful! Congratulations again!
