Saturday, January 7, 2012

July/ August, and September 2011-  hopefully I'm getting back to blogging- here's to the rest of 2011

Mikayla Loves helping "sti-ster" with her binky

My Cute little Twinners!

My happy girl!
Marissa looked so cute in this little sleeper.

Mikayla didn't want this picture but her little dress  and lace leggings were sooo cute on her.
My little lady buggy-  she has this cute little hair clip from my buddy that has a lady bug on it too!

Mikayla's first day of Preschool-  she chose to bring her "fur-real friends puppy" from last Christmas to show the kids.

Our first Apple Harvest!  The apples were so yummy-  over half the apples were enjoyed  by wasps.  So next year we are going to have wasp traps galore to keep them from ruining our yummy gala's.

Our First Peach!  the BEST Peach I've had in years-  Georgia peaches are still the best but this was a very close second.
Yes the swing is still my baby holder/sleeper!  This was one of the only ways Marissa would let me put her down when she wasn't feeling so well!
Marissa had her first toenail painting in the summer.  and Yes I continued to paint them up until it was too cold.  Because she has the tiniest feet. None of the cute little shoes I had of Mikayla's will fit her still so I thought this was the best way to show them off :-)

Mikayla begged me to go get strawberry short cakes so I finally gave in and got some.  She re payed me by putting whipping cream all over her face and her arms and eating NONE OF IT!  but I did seem to make her day so I was okay with that.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, the things we do for our children! You have two beautiful girls there! Love the pictures!
