Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sorry it has taken me so long to is the past month in review...

Beautiful Blessing picture (courtesy of "Auntie Tanya")

Happy Girl! 3 Months old

The Start of our Utah Journey...2am we finally made it to the hotel and she was out for the night!

What's for Breakfast Daddy? (Day 2 of our long journey to Utah)

Mikayla in her new cute purple dress....12 months size!

Sleepy girls. snuggling for a nap.

Mikayla meeting her cousin Madeline for the first time! Was a little overwhelming to her but everyone was so happy to meet her!

"The G.G. Posie" (Grandma's Galore!) with Mikayla

Mikayla had a Build'a'Bear Puppy made -she had no idea was was going on but Mommy and Daddy had fun making it! & Daddy has a fun sound in it to remind Mikayla to give her puppies "snacks" and it is named "Rina the Noni" (for Corrina the Spinone)

Mikayla with Uncle Ryan she seemed to take right to him!

Mikayla chilling on the way back on the short part of journey home. We stopped in Cardston at the Temple and sat out on the grass and relaxed for a bit. She was so happy to be out of her Carseat! only 3 hours left after that and we were finally home. So happy to be in our beds! and to get our puppies back. Sadly enough our puppies weren't so excited to see us because they had a nice big yard to run around in from our friends house that so graciously watched them.

Mikayla 4 weeks old! the day after her shots....and seems to be doing much better. Her legs have a little "ouchy" soreness to them but other than that she is her happy self!
here are a few new videos....