Sunday, November 15, 2009

"Waaadies and Gentewlman"

I think its about time to post something amazing on here. Especially being that its almost the end of November already! Time flies when you are having fun!
Mikayla's Vocabulary has skyrocketed so here is a sample of what funny phrases she is saying:
"Waadies and gentewlman"
"Ha Raw Kit Tee" (Hello Kitty- almost sounds the same as a Japanese person speaking English!)
"Mom, I Haab a question"......pause.... more pausing.... (she will say that and then walk away)
"Addies a Boy puppy"
"Kina is a Girl Puppy"
"Mom I Hab Boobs"
"I want to go see Kwistmas at Wowwes" (I want to go see Christmas at Lowe's)
"Santas Bwinging me a Pink Monkey" ....and where is Santa going to find it??????? ahh? Who knows where she saw one!
Anyways she is hilarious so here is a short video of her funniness (may take a while to load) I'll have to find a shorter way to put this on!