Sunday, February 10, 2008

So I did it....The Mom haircut....or as defined by me.....I went from one extreme to the other.

The Haircut has been a long time coming and yes I trim my hair but I haven't taken off 6 plus inches before at a time so this one was very needed. I have a before and explain myself before you see that the "after" doesn't look greatly styled you have ot know that I am by myself for the week with Mikayla so taking a picture of myself isn't the easiest!

Anyways its warming up a bit down here in Utah and the mud....ummm a whole fun other story to deal with the dogs!....because going around the mudd is just way to easy.....walking through it is much more fun!

Mikayla is still being such a goof so here are a few pictures of her as well in her Valentines Day Dress.

Have a fun week...and if you get me or call...I'd love to hear from you all!


  1. I like your new do! I'm getting mine chopped too! I actually like mine short and Ive done the extreme thing before and it can be so hard to get used to, especially when you run your hands through your hair for the first week or two.

  2. Your hair looks GREAT!!! How is your house??? Cute v-day outfit too!

  3. julie- your hair is adorable and chic at the same time- this is a fun way to keep up with you!
    thanks again for getting adam a phone that he can actually use. hope to see you soon!
