Thursday, July 17, 2008

Happy 4th....5th....and wait its already the 17th of July!

Happy Summer!

5 things that have happened this month:

5. Fireworks! We saw REAL 4th of JULY Fireworks! Legal and Illegal ones! Mikayla was quite intrigued by the illegal ones our neighbors were doing because she would hear the crash sound and that would scare her...then she would see these great bright lights. The dogs...well scared to death of course!

4. Lots of Playing outside. Mikayla has learned that things don't just disappear so she knows where her bubble toys are and wants to play with them at least 5 times a day!

Grandpa if this isn't the face.....Well its pretty close to it!

This is of course after Jonathan threw the hose in the pool and it hit Mikayla- He got in trouble by me so I made him pick her up while she was all wet...wet soggy diaper, clothes and all!...and this is how he repays me...nice... *** I had to take out this don't worry he'll get his!

3. Mikayla got to meet my best friend Carole, and her two cute kids Emiline & Shane. I already miss them! **** picture to be inserted soon**

2. Mommy Changing tons of lovely #3's (liquid poo) Mikayla got some sort of bug!
Muffins Yummy...Mommy's first attempt at blueberry muffins from scratch..not too bad!

Popsicles always a must in this heat!

1. Trouble of course! We always get into lots of trouble. Yes I'm a grown up but I don't really care if I am having fun with my baby! We were shopping in Wal-Mart and Mikayla started playing the yelling game..and of course I yelled there was -the old lady giving us the crusty "I can't stand kids" look....and the young man who thought I was pretty funny (or I am not sure what else he was thinking). Anyways I told Jonathan I am going to be the Mom sliding down the stairs with the kids and throwing the food across the dinner table. Why not? Life is too short to take it serious all the time!
Drawer climbing....Eat your heart out Uncle Adam! I can climb now too! Fun stuff!

Oh yeah I'm not sure if I ever posted this because I've been a lot more busy since...but Mikayla is walking lots and learning how to run as well.

I never knew how much trouble she was until those little feet started moving faster! Our Puppies even hide from her!

As for Jonathan and I -we are having so much fun enjoying every second of this little girl! We also are having fun with our new Wii Nintendo and of course just relaxing when Mikayla is asleep. Ahhh the quiet!

Mikayla and the Fake Wallet...she thinks this is my wallet I use when we go she likes to sneak around with it! and take it outside- as she is about to do here.

This last picture is for Auntie Bree - don't worry I cleaned these up today...but aren't they cute!

1 comment:

  1. Wow she is growing up so fast! Have fun chasing after her when she really starts to run!
