Monday, February 7, 2011

January 2011

January where did you go?

Well I am okay with January leaving us so quickly...because its that much closer to us seeing our new baby!...

We found out that we are having another beautiful BABY GIRL!!!!!!

Mikayla is VERY excited and loves to tell EVERYONE (including the greeter at Wal-mart) that she is having a baby sister.

but in the mean time of playing the bun in the oven game-

Mikayla has definitely tested us!....

*Jonathan took her with him to do some errands which included a trip to Lowe's- and she came back home telling me "Mom I got to see a Penis fly trap today! know the plants that eat bugs!"

*She came in one night after having a great day and told me she pooped her pants. I completely didn't believe her because she was laughing so hard. Then to realize she was serious! She had a #3 accident while trying to run back to her bathroom- and lets just say we spent the next hour cleaning and laughing- (what else was there to do- either laugh or cry so we chose to laugh!)

*She has some pretty amazing Mikayla words and song lyrics: "on the 8th day of Christmas my true love gave to me- 8 Lucky charms, 7 words of wisdom..." "can we get a "stample" (aka sample) at Costco", "My stuffed animals are in time out so don't talk to them", "Dude I am just resting, I don't need a nap", "Mom- there are more Freaking flies in our house!", "Mom I am growing a baby puppy in my belly and it will be here when sister comes home"

Yes the list is much longer than that but those ones are stuck in my brain for now-

So onto another fun 2011 year and hope for new beginnings, more success and lots of fun!

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