Thursday, November 23, 2006

We woke up today to beautiful snow! I love it when everything is covered with this mist of white powder. The temp. outside is pretty cold but it doesn't seem to bother the puppies-Corrina usually goes outside twice in the mornings before we leave for work- and she seemed to be really antsy and want to go out a 3rd time. Much to my arguing and making her wait-We found out the whole reason was that she left her chew toy out there and so she stayed out in the snow for another 10 minutes running around tossing her toy around. Its the funniest thing to watch. Anyways- it might be Thanksgiving in the U.S.A. but here- I've already put up our Christmas Tree! I had fun last night decorating our new tree and much to my surprise the dogs don't seem that interested in it! So we can actually have something nice up!

DAY 88 of my Pregnancy- I am feeling okay today. I'm really not use to having weird pains so I get really worried when something doesn't feel just fine. My tummy is getting bigger- and it is pretty obvious to those who know me that I'm pregnant. It's pretty funny though for those who don't know me and are too afraid to ask- we've thought of funny things to tell people if they ask...but I don't really think being rude is the answer- even if people are nosey! Cheers for now- and maybe you can celebrate two Thanksgivings like us!

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