Monday, March 17, 2008

The past few days have been quite eventful in the life of our little here are just a few of the things that have stuck out...

Mikayla saw her first "full length animated feature" on Saturday....Horton Hears A Who- and she loved it....for about 10 minutes and then she wanted to get down and crawl around. So I spent the majority of the movie near the front of the theatre on the stairs while Mikayla found popcorn and licorice....that we didn't purchase of course! Luckily I brought plenty of snacks to substitute her findings! The other funny thing about this was on the way home from the movie I picked through the almond M&M's and went to put this great treasure in my mouth....and I realized it is the true definition of a "Weenis" so if anyone ever happens to ask you what one them this picture-

Mikayla loves pulling herself up on everything she can get her hands on. So our latest buy was a baby lock for the TV cabinet...unfortunately the pet cage can't have to much of a lock since we use it every day!

And for the last update........umm yeah I don't have to say much....

This picture and video explains it here it is....


  1. Hahahahaha. Did she keep going back for more??? That is funny. :)
    And I totally want to see that movie too. Maybe I'll take my kiddos one day soon.

  2. That is so funny. Is it the same stuff you had for them the last time we dog-sat? I must say, that stuff seemed more appealing than a lot of the dog food I've seen.

    Last weekend we were at a party, and there was a Mikayla twin. I was looking at her and thinking "that baby looks just like Mikayla," when suddenly Greg leaned over and said "is it just me, or does that baby look like Mikayla?" Crazy!
