Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I was reading a friends blog and she happened to mention she wished that people updated their blogs more.....sooooo I know I can totally do a better job of that. Of course taking the pictures also helps! So here is a little more of an update of us.

When Jonathan and I were first married we watched the movie Matilda....and on that show there is a little girl that has pigtail braids that end up getting her in trouble by the mean Miss Trunchbowl Principal. So he told me...that our girls will "NEVER" have pigtails like that. So I have to start being creative since Mikayla is growing a little more hair. so here is my latest creation of her hairdo- of course it started out as a foehawk and then sort of layed when it gets a bit longer I'll probably start using hairspray!

The other fun thing she likes to do is brush her teeth. I don't think that she is really "brushing" its more of a "chewing" but either your heart out Dentists of the US! She has the best of both worlds being health conscience by brushing her teeth and being "horrible" as my Canadian Dentist told me- for having a pacifier "Binky".

Mikayla and I went to Seattle for a week to hang out with my family. I will get some more pictures on here of that trip...I realized I was pretty horrible of taking them. Mikayla went to her first Aquarium in downtown Seattle and we all knew she loved it when she started waving her arms around and kicking her legs like it was fun. She also had a fun time at lunch at my parents favorite Ivars Salmon pulling the napkin & silverware off the table....and pooping through almost her entire outfit! What an eventful day! So we took it pretty easy the rest of the days and had fun shopping with Grandma at the Outlet Mall which I love! Mikayla scored some very cute outfits and so Grandma wanted her to do a fashion show before we left so she could see them on her. I totally forgot that we used to do that as kids. My brothers and I would come home from shopping and try on all of our brand new clothes to show Mom and Dad. So..the Tradition continues!

As you can see she is pretty happy for the first outfit....very cute of course...

Second outfit just as cute....but a little more tense...

My favorite outfit...and of course you will see these later this summer when she gets a little bigger!

Again outfit number 3.

As you can see the outfits become a bit harder for her to want to change into...but still very cute.

If we could only read Mikayla's mind when I told her that we were done playing dress up for the day.

I hate to brag....but -

The flight home Mikayla was the best baby on the plane! I tried to schedule our flights around her nap so she would possibly sleep on the flight..and wa-la- it worked! So she was very easy and out of 10 babies...she probably fussed for about 10 seconds! Meanwhile...when we got back home she was back to her normal Trouble!

WE usually put the dog cage away during the day so that Mikayla doesn't play in it...but we hadn't done that I went out of range of her and came back to her inside Addie's cage. The only worry I have is...that she doesn't act like a dog when she gets older because she's around these crazy pups all the time!

WEll I'll post more tomorrow (possibly)


  1. So fun to see your latest adventures. Mikayla looks so cute with the bunny ears and what darling little outfits...maybe this baby will be a girl and I too can buy cute girly things! :0)

  2. Her hair is totally cute!!!! Love all the pictures. And sounds like lots of fun with your momma!
