Monday, January 19, 2009

I know I am not the most educated person.
I also know that I don't follow politics as well as I should...
I don't usually like forwarded emails either....but this ticked me off so bad that I feel like I might go smack someone (or something worse)...

After being told that I may not EVER have children and then being blessed with our little Mikayla I can't imagine ANYONE who is sane actually wanting to do something like a partial birth abortion.
Because I have such a strong view of this...I won't comment anymore. Only to not offend someone of the opposing side. I just hope that when anyone makes a decision as big as that they will ponder, pray, and go watch someone like many friends of mine who have struggled to conceive a child and then decide. What would you choose?

1 comment:

  1. What is going on with the world? I am with you. After enduring so many struggles with such a sensitive issue, it's crazy to think that a sane person would go through that willingly!
